Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Bedding

I know...I haven't updated in a while...i'll make up for that :)

A few days ago, I got a different bedding for the rats. I wanted to try something new because they waste tons of food by burring it and I keep giving them food to waste thinking they ate it or something.

I got this Kaytee minty bedding. I was afraid at first that it may irritate their respiratory system but right away they seemed perfectly fine about. They didn't sneeze like when I added new clean carefresh bedding. Also the smell is not very strong at all. It's a light minty smell. It's got random twigs in it (i guess from the mint) and they LOVED to find these and gnaw on them.

Its like soft pebbles in all different sizes and some are green so its PRETTY and the ratties like to move it all around and chew on it.

I'll update again on the bedding after I clean out the cage as far as if its dusty or not. I've been noticing the deeper I get into the bag of carefresh, the dustier the cage is when I go and clean it out.

1 comment:

  1. Nice collection of Bedding Sets for decorating your bedroom in a modern way.
