Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cupid's attitude

Cupid wants to sniff the iPhone

Cupid has been growing and has been calming down, becoming a better pet. I'm thinking the younger and smaller they are, the more jumpy they are because of their deep instinct to run away and save themselves.

She will now climb up onto your hands and sit there for a bit instead of immediately jumping back down. Knowing this, whenever I get babies, I will not try to pick them up until they are a certain age (will get back to you on that specific age) I will still try to pet them and have my hand in their cage as often as possible to make actual handling much easier.

So far, all is well with my little fuzzies. I brought them down to my house for a while and I had to use a water bowl instead of a water bottle. They seem to have figured out that if they throw the "healthy" lab blocks into the water, they get taken away and tossed. They don't throw any snacks into the water....

Can't wait till Cupid's head gets bigger so she can safely go in the big rat cage. They seem to REALLY like all the space, ladders, landings, and toys. Lucky seems lonely, by himself in the big cage without his little girl friend. At least right now they are together, happily sleeping all snuggled up.

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