Thursday, December 24, 2009

Welcome to Fuzzy Natals! A rat blog!

We (my boyfriend and I) own two snakes. A Kenyan sand boa named Cookie and a Rosy boa named Jasper.

We go to the pet shop as usual to pick up some feeders. Our usual place doesn't have any feeder mice. Apparently someone took them ALL so we go to another pet shop. While I am wandering around, my boyfriend picks out some mice for the snakes.

We take them home and feed the larger one to Jasper. He eats just fine. We then get the smaller "mouse" and try to feed it to Cookie who is all clouded with shedding. Cookie does not want ANY parts of this "mouse" so we put her away. Now what to do with this small fuzzy animal...I thought it was SO CUTE and decided to keep him.

After some time he began to grow some and then it hit me...This is NOT a mouse! So after a little web surfing I find out Lucky (his name after his luck of not becoming snake food) is a Praomys natalensis also called African soft furred rats or natal rats. I go and google some info on them as pets and I don't really find much. I just find that they are supposed to be nippy and are bred as ball python food mainly.

Well after getting my second one today, Cupid, like Santa's deer, I've decided to write a blog on my rattie adventure. I've never even kept hamsters so this will be a learning experience all around!

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