Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Bedding

I always see small animals with some kind of wood shaving as bedding and I see it suggested many places. Since we had a HUGE bag of Carefresh in the basement I used that. We were going to use it for snakes but never did.

It's soft, has no smell and no dust that I notice. I also think they like the bigger fluffy size of the bedding to build walls around their hide box. Recently I found out it comes in Ultra (less dust...I guess the regular gets dusty toward the bottom of the bag?) and colors so you can make your little ratties home pretty too!

I like this stuff better than the typical bedding you see.


  1. Carefresh is made from recycled paper, right? I think I have used it before. For the life of me I can't remember for what animal though. I'm thinking maybe rabbit. If it is the stuff I am thinking of, I really liked it.

  2. It's made from "reclaimed pulp fiber". I love the fact it has no smell. I was never terribly crazy about the woody smell other bedding had. My little rats don' smell like ceder...they smell like fruit and seeds haha XD which is actually a very nice smell!
